My Regeneration
This story finished first in its round at the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction contest . My Regeneration by Kevin Lenihan and Dena McKinnon Quickly now, children, into the pool! Hurry, the monsters can't swim. But we can't either! Hold onto the tube, it'll be ok. Gretchen, the oldest, was six. I wouldn't put it past her to somehow have picked up a bit of swimming somewhere. Clever girl. Poor dears, clinging in a circle around the inner tube. Such terrors, no child should have to deal with it. They all streamed tears but Gretchen. She studied my face with the intensity of a shrink. Clever girl. I pushed them out into the middle of the pool with the skimmer. What about you, Mommy? That was Billy, a year younger than Gretchen. Sweet Billy, always my favorite if I were to have one, but I don't play favorites. Mama will be ok , I told them. But the monsters?! Mama is changing, children. Mama is becoming somethi...